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Back to School

Back to school season creeps up on us fast. When school starts back for your children or even yourself, it's almost like a mental shift happens. We spend the summer stating, "When the kids are back in school...." "When I start back with school..." having several expectations in mind of what this new season is going to look like for us each individually.

As school starts about mid August, I wanted to write this blog a couple of weeks after to check in. To remind you that if you didn't or haven't dove straight in to your new roles or expectations, that it's okay. There has to be some sort of adjustment period sometimes, right? This looks different for us all. Some people are great at getting started right up with what ever goals, or projections they might have... others may be just barely holding on and adjusting.

I wanted to remind you that whatever, or wherever you are at... and no matter what "back to school" looks like for you, that there is no right or wrong way.

Looking at this new season with grace in your eyes and heart for yourself and others. Some are moms and making lunches, and trying to get their children off to school, some are working full time jobs during this back to school time, maybe you know someone working and going to college, or you know a mom that is working, going to college, sending their kids off, too! Heck, you may even know a dad that is trying to do it all!

Not one is easier than the other. Back to school is A LOT for everyone in some way. I encourage you to take a deep breath, high five yourself in the mirror, smile at the other parent at the grocery store.

When you are going 100 miles per hour to keep your household running smoothly, working, managing your children, the end of the day you are exhausted, and it becomes easy to neglect yourself. I get it, the last thing you want to do is put lotion on after your shower, do a face mask, take a bubble bath.... but please take a pause and pick just one thing to love on yourself. You don't have to do the full morning or night routine, but just one thing to show yourself a little love that you show to everyone else through the day.

If back to school isn't looking quite like you had expected, that's okay! As long as you are doing your best, that IS ENOUGH!

YOU ARE ENOUGH. Your WTIFF fam is proud of you, and wants you to know you are loved, encouraged, and supported.

Please let us know if there is any specific content that would be especially helpful to you in this time!



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